Friday, March 30, 2007

Well, I still have a job!

Things were a little tense at work today. It seems the department has been ordered to reduce headcount by one contractor. Fortunately, it seems there has been a one month reprieve. After that, though, I don't know what will happen.

What do I hear? Nothing but the rain!

Well, we needed rain, but I never imagined that ICF would be cancelled over it. Wouldn't you know it? I spent a couple of weeks preparing to give the presentation tonight. I hope to be able to give it later. Otherwise, I spent a lot of time on it for nothing.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Handel's Messiah

When Roxanne's parents moved to Virginia several months ago, they gave us their season tickets to the Dallas Opera and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Last night, the DSO performed Handel's Messiah. I don't believe I've ever seen it in it's entirety before.

The most remarkable thing to me is that it is entirely based on Scripture, running from the birth of Christ to the eternal reign. In the comments in the program, the writer noted that most people associate Messiah with the Christmas season, but it is in fact far more appropriate to Easter.